Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Profile: AKA let me convince you that I'm not desperate and lonely

The profile is a crucial element in online dating, which I find so funny because it is simply so easy to lie on it. I mean, really? Who is holding anyone accountable on this thing?

I, however, pride myself on my integrity and have been true to form on everything they've asked....


Career/Job: Executive Literary Assistant
Education: College
Faith: Agnostic/Not important to me
Politics: Independent/Not important to me
Height: 5' 9"

About Me

The movie I've watched the most times: If I was lying and wanted to sound smart, I'd say "something by Wes Anderson or Woody Allen." While I do love both directors, I'd have to say that I've probably have watched French Kiss enough times to quote it word for word. Meg Ryan, Kevin Klein, and France? Done.

An awesome place I've visited: I seriously LOVE traveling. Like, I cannot even begin to express how much I adore it. There is something about being outside of my comfort zone that I find, ironically, comforting. I've lived in London before and was going to move to Paris. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, I fell in love with my job. Then I got promoted. And now here I am- in New York. Hating life. Just kidding. (Oh, fyi- if you don't get sarcasm I do not want to "HowAboutWe" anything with you. I know that's harsh, but it is the truth.)

My perfect Sunday: Depends on how "Under the weather" (my euphemism for "Hung over"- I don't think a lady ever admits to being 1) drunk 2) hung over or 3) that her heels hurt.)...

My life history in 5 sentences or fewer: Grew up in Southern California. Fell in love with the idea of moving to New York. Went to college and discovered my love of Europe while living in London. Moved to New York in January of 2010. Now, a recovering victim of wanderlust, I am beginning to accept that I am setting roots in the UES (3 blocks away from the Met? Could life be any sweeter?).

I have a weakness for guys/girls who: ARE SMART!!!!

For me, a first date no-no is: Letting me pay. I'm sorry, but if any girl on here writes something otherwise, she is either A) lying or B) a hardcore feminist.
And if you use emoticons? You will not get to the first date. A happy face in a message? That's almost worse than the paying thing. (And no, I'm not being sarcastic)

What I would bring to show and tell: My passport or whatever book I am reading at the time. Or EAST OF EDEN by John Steinbeck if I'm reading a ms for work.

A story you should remind me to tell you on our first date: That is such a strange question, I'm using my "veto" on this one.

I secretly want to be: French.

I want to be with someone who wants to be: A Rennaissance Man. For your reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_Man (In a day and age where you can literally Google any question in the world on your smart phone, I believe this is totally reasonable.)

An infatuation of mine: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. And Top Chef.

If I won the lottery and quit my job, I would: Be a travel writer.

One thing my mother would want you to know about me: I am too smart for my own good.

I want to come home to: Some Frank Sinatra or Edith Piaf, and a good book.

The Photos

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